
Monday, June 8, 2020

Observation 09/06/20

Teacher being observed
Stacey Tayler
Sam Sloan
Teacher being observed to fill out & needs to be discussed prior to observation
Activities (topic/stage etc) I will be demonstrating during observation: 
Why I chose this: I want to improve my delivery of maths content 
A lesson on measurement
By the end of this session these students will have learnt: 
WALT: solve multiplication problems using rounding and compensating 
From the observation I want feedback on:
Deliberates of teaching:
What I saw/heard during the observation
During the observation notes:
Samantha, Milli, Addison, Asha, EMily, 
Started with taking the role and sharing the WALT: solve multiplication problems using rounding and compensating 

Children copied the walt into their books from the Modelling book. 

Can anybody tell me what you know about rounding and compensating.

Sophia shared that last term we did rounding.

Teacher: shared the problem: 7 containers that each hold 38 beans.  Asked what is the problem.
38x 7

One child shared the place value strategy.

One child shared “using rounding the 38”

Teacher modelled with a pictorial model of adding two to each container.

Now the question is 40x7
Children solved. 280

Then Teacher asked how much was added when we ‘rounded’ 
Child solved: 14 
Teacher now lets take that off. 
Children solved. 

Teacher introduced new problem: 5x68 
Sophia rounded 68 to 70 -
The problem became 5 x 70=35

Started the next problem but then we realised we hadn’t compensated
Went back and compensated. Stressed the importance of compensating when you round to solve the problem.
Checked with the children to ensure that they were following.

9x44 Sophia shared rounding the 44. Teacher pointed out the 9 could be easier.
10 x 44 = 440

Samantha shared 396 she shared that she had solved by taking off the 44.

Went to logan. Asked him 3x99. He rounded 99 to 100
3 x 100 = 300
Then Teacher asked how much was added on. He replied 1.
Teacher asked to think and check. She drew a picture of 3 x 99. Then added 1 onto each of the 99s.
Thus showing the 3 ones being added.
9 x 35 ? Asked of MIlli.
Milli rounded 9 to 10 thus 10 x 35=350
When asked how much was added on Milli 
Teacher drew the model and showed the 1 extra going onto each of the groups.
Teacher wrote names next to each of the problems the children had solved.

In Modelling book wrote/glued several questions into the modelling book for them to complete in groups of three. Children would solve in their own books.
Feed forward
  • Excellent modelling using pictures
  • Good coverage of the group to ensure that everyone participated
  • Clear Maths Content with clear teaching/learning points
  • Good selection of questions to make clear the value of the strategy
  • A really great lesson thanks for letting me observe.
  • Maybe looking at different models to revisit this strategy number line etc.
Teacher Reflection What now? Your next steps?
This lesson really hit home for me how important it is for me to still have detailed planning. I knew what I was teaching, how I was going to teach it and when questions were asked I was clear headed to answer and work with the learners to answer those problems. 
This lesson was the first of our mult/div unit. I started with a mult/div formative snapshot and recorded results in a table, from there I grouped the students based on strategies they showed they could use. Multiplication and Division Snapshot 
I based my lesson around the needs of my learners and feel it was a very successful lesson. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Two Year Teaching Reflection

This is it, I am applying for my full teaching registration and I thought I would be an expert by now! Well actually I didn't think I would be an expert but I did think I would feel more experienced than I do. I can honestly say that it is not from a lack of learning, improving and trying my hardest though. I never imagined teacher was so complex, every day without fail I learn something new, it could be about myself, a student or colleague or it could be about teaching itself.
I have learned what feels like more content knowledge than I could have ever possibly retained but the truth is there is so so much more to go. I am coming to terms with the reality that there is never a finish line and to just be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel has to be enough. Some days this is enough and some days I feel like its never-ending. Despite this I love my job, the learners and my colleagues way more than I ever imagined I could. Only two days out of two years have I woken up and thought "I can't do this" but have done it anyway and been better for it. I know there will be more days like that but right now I am still enjoying every moment, even appreciating the difficult times as I grow from them so much more.


My kete and I meet twice a week, once to talk about planning and once to talk about all other general work, which could be teaching as inquiry, student leadership and anything in-between. I have gone from silently listening and wondering what half the acronyms are that are being used to contributing and actively taking part in all meetings. These meetings are working extremely well and the Kete is running smoothly since this has been a regular thing.
Kete Meetings Minutes 2020
During the Covid-19 lockdown period we met as a Kete on "Google Meet" once a week.
Covid-19 Meeting Minutes 2020


This week I had a realisation with my planning and I am a little disappointed in myself for not realising sooner but better late than never. My planning has not been good enough, it has not been detailed enough to ensure that I am fully prepared for lessons. I know my lessons are ok, I know a lot of what I teach is not in my planning but I need to do better than that. These learners deserve the best I can give as often as I can give that. I had a meeting with my team leader and my mentor teacher. They told me I shouldn't be so hard on myself but they also answered all my questions I felt I needed to start making some amazing improvements. I plan to change one thing at a time so I am not overwhelmed. I plan to meet with my team past gaining my full registration. I dont hear many teachers talking about their planning and what works best so I am unsure if this is ongoing for me or if one day my planning will good enough to stop changing. I imagine like most things in teaching you just keep learning, there is no finish line.

Here is a before and after example of my planning for maths starter.


I complete assessment on time as per the schools assessment schedule. As a team we discuss our general results and any trends, we identify priority learners and Maori priority learners. We design and carry out a plan that is culturally responsive which may include targeted workshop groups, getting to know our learner and offering topics of interest, setting high expectations for all students, integrating relevant work problems and many more evidence based strategies that engage learners effectively. When needed I offer a few questions to give myself a snapshot of where to start when beginning a new programme. Next week we are starting mult/div and I will. ask the whole class to solve 5 questions using two strategies they know. This will be no pressure work but will give me a starting point for my teaching.
I regularly conference with students in my classes, we edit work as a group during workshops to engage the learners in their own and others learning. I encourage group editing for student voice, I have conferenced with my learners about their areas of need (particularly in numeracy) and they have asked to be included in their hotspot tracking. We are working as a class currently to see how this would work. Learners take responsibility for their learning and can ask for opt in workshops which they often do.


I have strong, solid relationships with learners. I have actively been building relationships with learners who are more reluctant and I am so glad I have. I have seen a new side to several students this year as I have engaged in conversation and shown that I care and am there for all learners even those who are reluctant to make teacher connections. I do truly feel learner relationships is a strength of mine. I find building relationships with whanau a little more difficult. This is usually because of parent engagement. I have a good relationship with 50% of my whanau classes family and many others within the kete. As a team we have been discussing how to engage whanau more and adding parents to google classroom has been implemented. I enjoy school events and parent evenings where I can make more connections with whanau then on a daily basis.


I have a lot of goals but for the rest of the term my goal is to get my planning to a place where I feel it is improving my teaching practice and that I have everything in my planning I need to implement a great and engaging lesson.

Some others significant goals I have to work towards

Te Reo - I have enrolled in a Te Reo course this term although it is self paced so I m not under any unnecessary pressure. This course is through Whitireia NZ and the course I am taking iTe Hiringa o Te Reo which is a language resource designed specifically for those who are interested in learning basic Māori language but have limited opportunities to attend regular language classes.

Maths - I would like to expand my content knowledge within maths. I know I can do this through the NZ Maths website and before the end of this year I will be ensuring I have started to do this. 
I have signed up to e-ako PLD 360. 

Tracking and effective planning of learners hotspots - I currently plan from my assessment and what I see in the classroom but I am not keeping an ongoing working document to keep track of areas of need in maths. I am setting this up at the moment and it is a work in progress.

Last year's appraisal (2019)

Mentor and Team Leader meeting notes 05 June 2020

Mentor and Team Leader meeting notes 05 June 2020

When doing mult/div and students use algorithms do I then ask what other strategy they can use? Yes 
399 + 401 = (is algorithms the best strategy, I would just round them) even as multiplication. 
Smartest/efficient - no pen paper … also applying it to decimals 

Is it recorded as column mult/div? 
Stage 6 - strategy (which is the best) 
Stage 7 - algorithm 

If they don't know another strategy do I teach them more? (or is it ok) Most efficient for that problem 

My planning is not up to scratch, I would like to plan a few lessons with another teacher. 
I would like to be walked through where I get exactly where I get my teaching from
Pretest- 2 strategies 
Questions to allow showing range of strategies 

What do you do for hot spots? Tracking sheet shared 

I feel overwhelmed when I plan and end up not doing a whole lot 

Literacy how many things am I teaching plan reading 
Language features within a “information reports” 
More individualised hotspots  

Overall doing good just wanting to improve and have the planning enhance my lessons not the other way round.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Observation - T2 2020

Teacher being observed
Stacey Tayler
Sam Sloan

Why I chose this: 
A lesson on measurement

By the end of this session these students will have learnt: 
WALT: Measure accurately using meters, centimeters and millimeters.
From the observation I want feedback on:

Deliberates of teaching:
What I saw/heard during the observation
Telling XXXX
Explaining XXXXX

During the observation notes:
  • Wrote the WALT on the board for the children to copy
  • Asked them to sit up when ready.
  • What was discussed yesterday with Mrs Handcock and what does it mean?
Children Said
Prototype - First model
Modify - Change something
Test -try it out
Discard - get rid of stuff
Record - write things down
Variables - the fold / the shape / size
Time in the air - how long the paper plane was in the air for.
Predictions - guess how far the were

  • Asked about the predictions and discussed the units of meters, centimeters, and millimeters
  • Gave instructions: Make a paper plane with a different variables e.g.
    • Wingspan
    • Folding
    • The way you throw it
    • size
  • Record down their variables in groups of 4
  • Everyone is going to have something different about your planes and make predictions about the distance recording the length
  • You are going to compare the difference
  • Started writing the instructions
    • Get in groups of 4
    • Make different planes
    • Make predictions
    • Test throw planes
    • Record distances 
    • Compare distances
  • Can you throw them in different directions? “No” you have to throw them from the same place in the same direction.
  • What are you going to compare your distances again.
  • Have a look at 
  • Daisy “are we going to find the average distance?”
  • Extension activity:
    • Turn results into decimals
    • Add altogether all the results to see how far from Hokowhitu School could you get?
  • “What if you do the decimals from the start?” (Sophia)
  • Push yourselves and do what you can from the start. 
  • Handed out paper.
  • Reminded that everyone needs to record their predictions and results in their own book.
  • Any Questions?
  • How are you going to record the information in your book?
    • You might need a table.
    • Modelled a table on the board:





  • If you are in your group come and grab some paper.
  • Children collected paper.
  • Children got into groups of four - They were in groups of two the previous day.
  • Children made a variety of paper planes. Teacher roamed checking in on the different 

After Checking made modified instructions:
  1. Groups of 4
  2. Make planes with different variables
  3. Make predictions
  4. Test planes
  5. Make modifications
  6. Final test
  7. Record results
  8. Record results
  9. Compare results

Children made planes and tested them in groups. They measured their flights using metre rulers, metre tape measures, measure wheels, measuring tape.

Children recorded:
Predictions for their plane.
The wingspan of their plane.
The distances of their flights. Some used whole numbers, some recorded decimals numbers.
  • Good control of the class (some excited and boisterous boys who you were able to keep focus and clear expectations of behaviour
  • Excellent first week back activities that is rich and multi entry points and exit points
  • Good activity to look at decimals etc.
  • Great activity to make cross curricula links.
    Feed forward
  • How could you prepare / organise your lesson to flow a little easier?
  • What maths concepts / skills were you looking for and how did the children know they had achieved it?